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130 Preston Executive Dr, Ste 202 Cary, NC 27513
9207 Baileywick Rd, Ste 203, Raleigh, NC 27615
NBC 17 My Carolina Today Parent Training VideosParenting Help from Expert Teen and Child Psychologist Coach in Cary and Raleigh NC Child, teen, and family psychologist expert Dr. Kristen Wynns talks with NBC 17' My Carolina Today about a variety of modern-day childhood and parenting issues. Among the topics discussed are Teaching Children About Gratitude, Kids Dealing with Bullies, Parents Take Control from Your Children, Parenting Power Suckers, Combating Power Suckers, Toddler Power Struggles, Technology and Your Kids, Sex Talk with Your Children, Back to College Teacup Parenting, Advocate for Your Child at School, Detecting Depression in Children, Relating to Grandparents, Volunteering, Your Child's Mental Game, Pitfalls of Being Your Child's BFF, How to Apologize and Mean It, Kindergarten Readiness and Testing, Getting Out of the Fall Blahs, Bedtime Tips, and much more. If you have any questions, feedback, or would like more information on a particular topic, feel free to send an email to Info@WynnsFamilyPsychology.com. Is Your Child Dealing with a Bully? - Parenting VideoBetter Parenting Tips and Advice to Deal with Bullies Dr. Kristen Wynns talks with My Carolina Today about how to spot bullying and how adults can protect children. She also discusses how to discipline a child who is doing the bullying. You can watch the full video interview on this page or view the larger NBC 17 My Carolina Today parenting video here. You can also read the full article here.Bedtime Battles with Your Children - Parenting VideoBanish Your Child's Sleep Problems and Nighttime Fears For many parents, when we think of the “dream” bedtime routine, we imagine tucking in our smiling children each night, kissing them on the cheek, and tiptoeing out of the room as they begin to softly snore. Well, for many parents, the nightly bedtime routine is more of a nightmare. Kids refusing to go to bed, coming up with excuses to avoid bed, and coming out of bed in the middle of the night over and over again are just a few of the common problems parents struggle with. For effectively winning these bedtime battles, it takes a No Wimpy Parenting approach. Dr. Kristen WynnsofWynns Family Psychologyprovides advice on how to banish those bedtime problems. Tips and topics covered include unwind time, avoiding electronics, establishing a routine, staying in bed, consequences, rewards, overtired kids, and more. You can watch the full video interview on this page orview the larger NBC 17 My Carolina Today kindergarten readiness video here. You can alsoread the full article here. Getting Out of the Fall Blahs - Psychology VideoBoost Your Mood and Ward Off Depression Fall is the time of year when our leisurely trips to the beach often get replaced by busy commitments and events that take over our schedules. This overload can send some people into a funk. To help lift our spirits, Dr. Kristen WynnsofWynns Family Psychologyhas some quick tips on how to improve our moods right now. Ttopics covered include avoiding electronic devices, absorbing your environment, singing, exercising, surrounding yourself with positive people, and spending time with your pets. You can watch the full video interview on this page orview the larger NBC 17 My Carolina Today kindergarten readiness video here. Kindergarten Readiness and Testing - Parenting VideoEarly Kindergarten Entry and Redshirting in North Carolina Ok, so your preschooler is smart. But what if he misses the August 31st deadline for entering kindergarten? Is he socially ready? What are the signs of kindergarten readiness? And what are the advantages of testing and starting your child early? Will math and reading skills will be tested? Does your child need a high I.Q.? Which learning activities will provide kids with the best preparation before starting school? And what is redshirting? (Should you red-shirt your children by holding them back an extra year?) Starting kindergarten can be a very intense and confusing topic for parents in the Raleigh, Cary, and Wake County NC area. You can learn more about the process, pros and cons, guidelines, andresources for Early Entrance to Kindergarten here. Dr. Kristen WynnsofWynns Family Psychologyalso answers your questions, provides advice, and explains how early kindergarten testing works. You can watch the full video interview on this page orview the larger NBC 17 My Carolina Today kindergarten readiness video here. You can alsoread the full article here. How to Apologize and Mean It - Marriage VideoRaleigh and Cary NC Marriage Counselor Discusses Why It's Difficult to Say "I'm Sorry" With Valentine's Day around the corner, many cards and gifts come with three little words plastered on them.. I love you. But couples and families often neglect two little words that have the power to save a marriage or heal a rift between a parent and child….I'm sorry! Apologizing shows commitment when you place your relationship and your partner's feelings ahead of your pride and are able to say "It's more important to me to have your love than to be right." Why is it so hard to utter those two small words? For some reason, many of us find it very difficult to apologize to our spouses. Those two words "I'm sorry" seem to either get stuck in our throats or come out sounding fake and insincere. This is a phenomenon that affects all relationships, but nowhere is it as widespread as it is in marriage. Dr. Kristen Wynnsof Wynns Family Psychologydiscusses the five elements that need to be covered in order for an apology to be truly effective. You can watch the full video interview on this page orview the larger NBC 17 My Carolina Today marriage video here. You can alsoread the full article here. Pitfalls of Being Your Child's BFF - Parenting VideoShould Parents be "Best Friends Forever" with Their Teens? The boundaries between parent and child have faded for some families. Some parents want to be "best friends" with their teens, at the expense of taking on a parental role. It causes conflict between the parent and teen when the parent is confronted with a situation in which he/she needs to act in a parental role. It can be confusing to the teen as well, as in "why is mom all of a sudden acting like this?" Or it can reduce the parent's feeling of authority and ability to act appropriately. Also, at times, the parent will defer "parental" duties to the ther parent which further creates distance between the other parent and the one parent and teen best friend pair. Often as a result of this pattern, the parents experience discord in their marriage and there is family conflict in the home. Dr. Kristen Wynnsof Wynns Family Psychologydiscusses what these "blurry boundaries" look like and tips for reestablishing healthy boundaries (No Wimpy Parenting style). You can watch the full video interview on this page or view the larger NBC 17 My Carolina Today parenting video here. You can alsoread the full article here. Your Child's Mental Game - Parenting VideoParenting Tips for Getting Your Child’s “Mental Game” On! As parents, we often put in many hours on the sidelines at practices and games shouting out encouragement and cheers to our children. We huddle in the cold, sweat in the sun, and drink bad coffee all in the spirit of “being there for our children.” However, it’s frustrating to watch your child struggle with a lack of confidence or “under-performance” when you know he or she can do better. Children, like adults, often struggle with the “mental game” of a sport. If you ask top athletes what percentage of the game is mental versus physical, many will tell you the game is mostly psychological. Yet most coaches and parents focus on the physical aspects of training. What team practice has children practicing positive visual imagery or taking deep breaths? Encouraging children from a young age to focus on the mental and psychological aspects of the game can set children up for successful athletic endeavors through high school, college, and beyond. Fortunately, these tips are not “rocket science” and can be easily understood, even from a child as young as seven or eight. Dr. Kristen Wynnsof Wynns Family Psychologyoffers ideas on how to improve your child’s mental game. You can watch the full video on this page orview the larger NBC 17 My Carolina Today parenting video here. Volunteering - Parenting VideoHow Volunteering Can Benefit Your Children Getting your children involved in the volunteering lifestyle is an excellent teaching opportunity. Child psychologist Dr. Kristen Wynnsof Wynns Family Psychologyshares how volunteering can have many positive benefits in a child's life, including improved behavior. You can watch the full video interview on this page orview the larger NBC 17 My Carolina Today parenting video here. Advocate for Your Child at School - Parenting Video*****No Wimpy Parenting Coach Provides the ABC’s and 123’s of Advocating for your Child in School Back to school can be a stressful and exciting time for parents and kids. For parents who have children with special needs or unique challenges, it can be an even more overwhelming time. Whether your child has been diagnosed with AD/HD, Asperger’s, a Learning Disability or is gifted…it can sometimes be an intimidating process to interact with school officials to make sure your child’s needs are being met. Many parents become quickly frustrated and confused when trying to negotiate the complicated waters of setting up IEP’s, testing their child for gifted services, or even creating a plan to help a child “catch up” in a certain subject. Being an advocate for your child in the school system takes a “No Wimpy” approach: after all, there’s nothing more important fighting for than your child! Dr. Kristen Wynnsof Wynns Family Psychologydiscusses a few of the ABC’s and 1,2, 3?s of advocating for your child in school to get you started. You can watch the full video interview on this page orview the larger NBC 17 My Carolina Today parenting video here. You can alsoread the full article here. Back to College Teacup Parenting - Parenting Video"What It Is" and "How to Avoid It" Parent Training Dr. Kristen Wynnsof Wynns Family Psychologyexplains what Teacup Parenting is and how to avoid it. We’ve discussed how to be a “No Wimpy Parent” to toddlers, elementary kids, tweens and teens. But what about when your college-age child is preparing to leave the nest? It’s often a time of reflection for parents and a time to re-invent your role as parent. Many parents have heard of helicopter parenting (hovering over your college student child to make sure they’re okay away from home). But there is another unhealthy style of parenting called tea cup parenting which can have negative implications on your parenting. What are some traits of teacup parents? Teacups Break Easily – We live in a society in which young kids play on sports teams with no points and “no winners.” We have teachers and parents who insist every child gets an award or certificate. The danger is that when a child finally experiences loss or failure or disappointment, they can crumble. Once It Gets Chipped, It Feels Ruined – Many members of the current generation feel the need to be perfect all of the time. When something bad happens or they come face to face with a weakness, they feel like a bad person or a failure. You Do Not Want It to Leave the Collection – Some parents move to their kid’s college town or take an apartment off-campus for visiting times. Unlike a teacup, kids need to leave the home permanently to experience independence and gain responsibility. Must Be Very Delicate with It – As parents, we should not protect our kids from all of life’s bumps and bruises. Kids need to feel those bumps so that when they grow up they do not fall apart at the first curve in the road. You can watch the full video on this page below orview the larger NBC 17 My Carolina Today parenting video here. Sex Talk with Your Children - Parenting VideoThe "No Wimpy Parenting" Approach—Just Tells It Like It Is
Dr. Kristen Wynnstalks with My Carolina Today about parenting having the big sex talk with their kids. Talking with your kids and teens about sex is not for the faint of heart. Many parents would do just about anything to dodge having that discussion with their kids. The fact is, kids are learning about sex at younger and younger ages. Parents need to take a “No Wimpy Parenting” approach and just tell it like it is. No Wimpy Parenting is a parenting philosophy developed by Dr. Kristen Wynns of Wynns Family Psychology in order to empower and inspire parents to “take their power back” and feel more effective as parents. Dr. Wynns is passionate about starting a parenting revolution “one parent at a time” by providing parents with advice and a kick in the pants when needed. NoWimpyParenting.com is a resource for parents with articles, podcasts, videos, and information about how to schedule individual consultations with Dr. Wynns. Dr. Wynns offers an array of parenting consultations to meet any budget: email/chat consultations, Skype/phone consultations, face to face consultations, and intensive home interventions. You can watch the full video interview on this page orview the larger NBC 17 My Carolina Today parenting video here. You can alsoread the full article here. Technology and Your Kids - Parenting VideoThe "Do's and "Don'ts" for Better Parenting Dr. Kristen Wynnsof Wynns Family Psychologyshares advice for keeping teens and tweens safe online. Parents of tweens and teens often struggle to “keep up” with technological and social networking advances. They aren’t sure what’s acceptable and what’s intrusive. Often times because of the confusion, they end up assuming their kids are navigating the technological and social networking waters appropriately. This is often an incorrect assumption. With the recent rash of teacher-student sex scandals and teen bullying, it is all too apparent that parents can never be too cautious or involved in their kids’ lives. You can watch the full video interview on this page orview the larger NBC 17 My Carolina Today parenting video here. Toddler Power Struggles - Parenting VideoParenting Help with Compliance, Discipline, Respect, and Maintaining Authority Family psychologist,Dr. Kristen Wynns,shares strategies for avoiding power struggles with toddlers. You can watch the full video interview on this page orview the larger NBC 17 My Carolina Today parenting video here. Combat Power Suckers - Parenting VideoBeware: Power Suckers! Dr. Kristen Wynns,discusses how to combat Power Suckers by keeping your cool, negotiating less, only accepting the best, and more! You can watch the full video interview on this page orview the larger NBC 17 My Carolina Today parenting video here. Parenting Power Suckers - Parenting VideoCommom Power Suckers and How to Combat Them Dr. Kristen Wynnstalks with My Carolina Today about the power suckers parents face in their relationships with their children. "Power suckers" are those sneaky things kids do that ultimately take away our power and authority as parents. It's important to recognize these each and every time so that you're not giving away your power in bits and pieces. You can download the article on Common Power Suckers and How to Combat Them. You can also watch the full video interview on this page orview the larger NBC 17 My Carolina Today parenting video here. Parents Take Control from Your Children - Parenting Video5 Steps to Taking Back Your Power and Addressing Child Behavior Problems and Issues It's time to start a revolution in America. Bit by bit, day by day, parents are slowly giving away their power. To whom you ask? To their children! There seems to be an epidemic of kids and teens running their households and parents are left with their hands in the air, shrugging and wondering, "Where did I go wrong? How did this happen? Why don't my kids respect me?"Dr. Kristen Wynnstalks with My Carolina Today about taking back your power. You can download the article on the 5 Steps to Taking Back Your Power. You can also watch the full interview on this page orview the larger NBC 17 My Carolina Today parenting video here. Teaching Children About Gratitude - Parenting VideoAnswers to Your Parenting Questions About Teaching Children Gratefulness Dr. Kristen Wynns talks with My Carolina Today about why it's important to teach our children about gratitude this holiday season and throughout the year. You can watch the full video interview on this page or view the larger NBC 17 My Carolina Today parenting video here. You can also read the full article here. *Email is not a secure form of communication and confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. Emailing Wynns Family Psychology does not establish a therapeutic relationship. Please note Wynns Family Psychology does not provide emergency services, though we make every attempt to be available as soon as possible should a crisis occur. For psychological emergencies, call 911 or go to the nearest hospital and ask for the psychiatrist on call. Content found at WynnsFamilyPsychology.com, KristenWynns.WordPress.com, NoWimpyParenting.com,etc is only meant to provide general information. It should not be used as psychological counsel or advice, as each person's specific situation requires a custom solution.     Wynns Family Psychology specializes the following child psychological services:- parenting help
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Parents Take Control from Your Children
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Technology and Your Kids
Sex Talk with Your Children
Back to College Teacup Parenting
Advocate for Your Child in School
Detecting Depression in Children
Relating to Grandparents
Your Child's Mental Game
Pitfalls of Being Your Child's BFF
How to Apologize and Mean It
Kindergaretn Readiness and Testing
Getting Out of the Fall Blahs
Bedtime Battles with Your Children
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Wynns Family Psychology specializes in
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child psychologists Cary NC,
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child therapists Cary NC,
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child counselors Cary NC,
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We also provide access to
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child psychiatrists Cary NC,
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Wynns Family Psychology specializes in
child psychologist Raleigh NC,
child psychologists Raleigh NC,
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child therapists Raleigh NC,
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child counselors Raleigh NC,
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child neuropsychologists Raleigh NC,
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We also provide access to
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child psychiatrists Raleigh NC,
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child psychiatric services Raleigh NC
if medication is necessary.
Wynns Family Psychology specializes in
child psychologist North Carolina,
child psychologists North Carolina,
child therapist North Carolina,
child therapists North Carolina,
child counselor North Carolina,
child counselors North Carolina,
child neuropsychologist North Carolina,
child neuropsychologists North Carolina,
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child psychology tests North Carolina,
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child neuropsychological services North Carolina,
We also provide access to
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child psychiatrists North Carolina,
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child psychiatric services North Carolina
if medication is necessary.
Wynns Family Psychology specializes in
child psychologist Wake County NC,
child psychologists Wake County NC,
child therapist Wake County NC,
child therapists Wake County NC,
child counselor Wake County NC,
child counselors Wake County NC,
child neuropsychologist Wake County NC,
child neuropsychologists Wake County NC,
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child psychology tests Wake County NC,
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child neuropsychological services Wake County NC,
We also provide access to
child psychiatrist Wake County NC,
child psychiatrists Wake County NC,
child psychiatry services Wake County NC,
child psychiatric services Wake County NC
if medication is necessary.
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- teaching parent skills
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- no wimp parents
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- no wimpy parent
- no wimpy parents
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